Thursday, November 19, 2015


Having an effective discipline plan in the classroom is important because students will know what behavior is expected from them. As a educator you will have firm confident in your ability to manage a class of you have a clear idea of what you expect from your students and they know that is what you expect from them. It will be easier to maintain good behavior in the classroom. Having consequences in the classroom helps students behave better. Consequence will help students know how far the can go in the way they act. Student need to feel that someone is in control of their environment. Having consequence will have the students behave better in the classroom.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Picture book month

Picture books are is an important factor in a classroom because it helps relate human experience to academic concepts and address complex issues and content. Picture books can address both heart and standards. They can serve as a celebration and call-to-action to springboard your own ideas. Picture books are valuable resources witch connect students with content that inspire their humanity. We can use picture books to come up with classroom activities, like a readers theater. Students can be cast as the characters and have the students to read the books dialogue. Picture books will always be wonderful tools for teaching story structure, key ideas, and details.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Classroom management And discipline

Having discipline and a well managed classroom will make you an effective teacher. Teachers with good classroom management are able to maximize students engaging time and academic learning time. Students also want a well-managed classroom because a well-managed classroom gives student security. A well-managed classroom will have students that are deeply involved with their work, especially with academic, teacher-led instructions. Discipline is a also an important part in a well-managed classroom. The most successful classrooms are those in which the teachers have discipline and a clear idea of what is expected from the students and the student have a clear idea of what the teacher expect from them.